Thursday, May 2, 2013

I know everything guys--NOT

So I'm a senior and am taking Engl 251, a class I should've taken freshman year...sometimes things just slip through the cracks, what can I say. So because I'm a senior I should know it all, right? Wrong. Very wrong. After taking the pre-test, I found myself scratching my head at many of the questions and was embarrassed about not knowing everything. But then I realized how lucky I am to be in a class that will teach me/remind me of things I either once knew or don't know, because how boring would it be if I knew everything! I am an eternity away from knowing everything (like Dr. Burton) but I wish to only be a semester away from attaining these goals that I am setting for myself:

  1. I want to avoid procrastination in my blogs and readings and do them ASAP (at times easier said than done for me--I got this?).
  2. I want to read a book I've never read before.
  3. I want to write a final paper that is interesting to me and would actually interest people out there in the world (the topic of which will be disclosed later).
  4. Memorize a couple of poems (learn'd astronomer!)
  5. Learn a lot :)
  6. Continue to lay the foundations for a life of perpetual reading and learning by being self-motivated to read and learn about things on my own.

These may seem a bit vague, but they encapsulate the general direction I would like to go in this this class. I think I set goals that are attainable but not that attainable (a.k.a. the procrastination one haha).Wish me luck y'all.


  1. Those are actually some really good personal goals! I might have to steal a couple for my own personal learning regimen...

  2. Don't worry! I'm a senior in 251 too. No shame sister!

  3. I do wish you luck! I think we all could work on the procrastination one, myself included!
